Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Steven Slater didn't care anymore! I hear ya!

I have to be honest. I don't like dealing with the public. I could never work in a job situation where I would have to be a service agent and enforcer of the rules at the same time. So you'll never see me as a flight attendant, hotel desk clerk, waiter/server or anything that would require my basically kissing some one's ass for an extended period of time. And that brings me to a man who obviously couldn't take dealing with the public anymore and snapped. His name is Steven Slater.

The man is a hero to many for he had enough of the hassles of dealing with people, told them off in fine fashion and made his grand exit. Some say he "snapped", some suggest he may be mentally unstable. Most of us want to give Steven Slater a high five and chant "right on".

So what happened was Steven Slater was a flight attendant and while the airplane was approaching the terminal a passenger DISOBEYED normal airline rules by leaving her seat to open the overhead luggage compartment and retrieve her bag. Steven the flight attendant told the woman she needed to remain seated, words were exchanged, the passenger used profane language toward the flight attendant and within the struggle the flight attendant was hit with either the compartment door or the bag falling out of the compartment.

Steven Slater's response was to go on the aircraft's PA system, announce a few profanities of his own dedicated to the passenger who insulted him in what sounded like he was quitting his job. Then he didn't waste any time departing the aircraft. He opened the door causing the emergency slide to open, grabbed his bag and a couple beers and got the hell out of there.

For his stunt, Steven Slater was later arrested and faces charges for his illegal departure from the airplane. He didn't seem to care.

Honestly, the passenger who ticked Steven the flight attendant off should be charged. She disobeyed the rules of the aircraft which was to stay in your seat until the plane reaches the terminal and parks at the gate. And she caused minor injury. But it is Steven Salter who gets the attention. Good attention from fans who appreciate what he did and bad attention from legal authorities. There are Facebook groups showing support for Steven Slater.

All of this could have been avoided if more people had a sense of common courtesy and a respect for rules and procedures. But increasingly more people only care for themselves and some of those people feel they are above any rules and even more above people who work in any form of service industry.

There is a false saying in business that should be abolished. That saying is "The Customer is always right" because that is bullshit. The customer is not always right, sometimes the customer is unaware or uncaring about basic courtesy and rules that exist for the safe and orderly operation of a business. Sometimes , OFTEN times the customers are abusive. Sorry but just because one is there to serve you in business doesn't mean they should have to endure your abusive and rude behavior.

But because of the "customer is always right" bullshit most people just take whatever is handed to them or what smacks them upside the head like that passenger's bag. It may or may not be ok to respond to the abuse, but as Steven Slater proved recently, sometimes you just don't care anymore and you let the "Mother F***er's" have it. (some of Steven Slater's words)

Go Steven Slater! May you gain many riches for deciding to not take it anymore. Flight attendants and others who sympathize are with you. Maybe this example will force some people to learn how to behave.

Songs dedicated to the Steven Slater story....

"I Don't Care Anymore" by Genesis/Phil Collins

"Take This Job and Shove it" by Johnny Paycheck

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