Monday, August 09, 2010

Raw DEAL against YouthPRIDE!

Nathan Deal, candidate for Governor of Georgia in a the republican primary runoff against Karen Handel released this advertisement slamming a wonderful organization that may have SAVED a lot of young lives from destruction. Gay Youth are the most likely segment of society prone to suicide while dealing with coming out and acceptance of their sexual orientation. Atlanta based YouthPRIDE provides support and advocacy for gay youth and is being unfairly targeted with this advertisement.

The line in the commercial saying that YouthPride promotes homosexuality among teenagers as young as 13 is the most despicable but effectively used when political bullies like Nathan Deal want to fool the ignorant and homophobic public into voting for him.

YOUTHPRIDE doesn't promote "homosexuality". They exist for the support and well being of teens and young adults who are already Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and who are Questioning of their sexuality. But homophobic political bullies like Nathan Deal play into the false stereotype that people are "recruited" into "homosexuality". That ignorance infests his political base and commercials like this while damaging to those they attack are likely to give the political bully some votes.

A political activist in Atlanta created this video in response to Nathan Deal's "Last Straw" commercial. It addresses the very issues that the political candidates are NOT discussing while they parade around the state gay bashing with the likes of Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich.

"No Deal"

Since Nathan Deal's advertisement appeared, polls show the gap between him and his opponent Karen Handel narrowing as Georgians return to vote in the primary runoff on Tuesday August 10th.

If you are a GEORGIA registered voter you know that we have an OPEN primary system. Meaning you can select either political party's ballot in the primary regardless of your personal political opinion or affiliation. We don't have party registrations in Georgia.

If you voted in the July primary, you must vote in the same political party in the runoff election. If you did not vote at all in the primary, you can vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary runoff. So if you find yourself angered by Nathan Deal's attack on YouthPRIDE, this is your opportunity to go to the polls on August 10th, select the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY BALLOT and vote AGAINST Nathan Deal so he doesn't have the chance to spew these kinds of lies as candidate for Governor or worse, becoming Governor of Georgia.

Sadly, your only option to vote in the runoff against Nathan Deal is to vote for Karen Handel, who allegedly showed some "support" for gay groups like the Log Cabin Republicans but promptly threw them under the bus for her own political gain proving that the LGBT community has NO friends in higher government positions in this state.

But your vote is your voice in Georgia and you can vote your disapproval for Nathan Deal's attack on YouthPride by voting against him in the primary runoff on August 10th.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

DAMN! My greatest regret, at this moment, is that I voted Democratic in July, so that I cannot voice my displeasure at this turn of events by voting HANDEL in this one. I most sincerely hope that those who can, follow your advice!