Monday, August 09, 2010

If Peaches turned into prunes...A political rant.

If the peaches turn into prunes in the Peach State, it might have something to do with a winking bimbo grandmother from Alaska coming for a visit to stump for one of the political parasites vying to run this state.

We should be very fearful if the former Govenor bimbo from Alaska should run to become a President of The United States of America.

(sorry guys for the pun, but you did name your group President.......etc.)

Someone protect the peaches! Sarah Palin is coming to Georgia to campaign for Karen Handel, one of two republicans running for Governor of Georgia. The state's runoff election is tomorrow August 10th. Nathan Deal is the other Republican candidate in the runoff. He has fellow hyprocrite homophobes Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich campaigning for him. Sadly one of the Republicans will face the Democratic former Governor hyprocrite homophobe Roy Barnes in the November General Election for Governor. Even more sad is that one of these three political parasites will be the next Georgia Governor.

If there is a hell below, Georgia is surely going to go.

And Curtis Mayfield was a Georgia resident late in his life. Something tells me he wouldn't appreciate this state's political climate either.

(only listen to this Curtis Mayfield classic if you aren't offended easily)

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