Wednesday, August 04, 2010

"Look At California" They had a victory for marriage equality!

California's voter approved proposition 8 was overturned in a judicial ruling from a a lawsuit filed after the proposal to ban same-sex marriages won in a 52-48% vote in November 2008. That vote (Prop 8) overturned a law that approved Marriage Equality (same-sex marriages) in the state then 18,000 same-sex couples were married during the months that it was legal. Gay marriage opponents immediately moved to have a public vote to have the marriage law overturned and as of August 4th 2010, that law has been turned back toward Marriage Equality.

But the fight is far from over. Today's ruling will be appealed and this could reach the US Supreme Court. But today's ruling could have an effect on marriage bans across the country.

But think about this very carefully! It is also an election year and this ruling will surely make gay marriage a major campaign platform especially for those who OPPOSE same-sex marriages. Add that to the upcoming changes in the United States supreme court and the probability that conservatives may become the majority again in congress. You had better recognize that today's ruling IN CALIFORNIA does NOT mean the road to Marriage Equality is going to be either short or smooth.

But today we can "Look At California" and be happy that Proposition 8 was overturned today.

The song "Look At California" is from MAZE Featuring Frankie Beverly (1977)

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