Tuesday, August 03, 2010

If I am too much for you, "Go Away little boy"

Someone took the time to e-mail me in opposition to my new blog and said that I think my life is all about me and my "incessant posting" which led him to remove me from all contacts. Well Mr D. A., don't let the cyber door hit you in the ass on your way out. Have a nice life. And if anyone wishes to join him, I wish you well.

He obviously had no idea about filtering news feeds and privacy settings that could reduce the amount of things he didn't want to see. And this guy (who I had known since the 1990's on WEB-TV) also reported to me that he smashed his blackberry because of what he called my "incessant posting". Again, another problem of not having the appropiate settings on his account. If you paid attention to how these connections work, these things wouldn't be a problem.

IF YOU TOLD SOMEONE YOU HAD AN ISSUE, then perhaps a solution could have been worked out. But yet another drama queen little boy in a grown man's body chose to make a grand exit with announcements that make them seem that they think the world revolves around them, the very thing this person just accused me of.

Good riddance to another one with deep seated issues. This one was a distant connection. He joins a few locally who cannot stand me for reasons they are often too "chicken shit" to deal with. And these are supposed to be adults. No, they are behaving like little boys.

Grow up people! The Rainbow Soul Blog is here and sometimes I am likely to get a little personal. Some bloggers do get a little personal. But nobody is putting a gun to your head forcing you to read this or to subscribe to any feed.

Moving on....

And speaking of a "little boy"....I shall calm down with another classic soul song. A nice mellow groove from Marlena Shaw.

Marlena Shaw "Go Away Little Boy" (1977)

1 comment:

M. Parent-Moyer said...

said that I think my life is all about me

...who else would your life be all about? Did the little boy get hurt because not everyone's world revolves around him?

I've never seen you act as though the entire world is "all about you" (either on FB, or way back when, in person) but Christ on a cracker, your own life IS about you, and so is your own blog/facebook/whatever. That's not a bad thing. That's kind of THE POINT.

(And I'm pretty much Facebook-illiterate, and yet even I can hide people from my news feed if I don't want to see their posts. And also SCROLL PAST things that I don't feel like reading on a particular day. Sheesh.)