Thursday, August 05, 2010

After the Prop 8 ruling, How strong is YOUR marriage?

The day after California's proposition 8 was ruled unconstitutional, those who oppose same-sex marriages are expressing their dismay and some with the usual comments about the "sanctity of marriage" between one man and one woman.

There are many couples who's relationships grow stronger every day. Some of those couples I know are GAY and LESBIAN couples who have been together for 2 years, 17 years, 26 years, 28 years, 40 years! But some MARRIED one man, one woman couples feel threatened because of the Prop 8 ruling. Threatened by what, the gay couple across the street? If they got married THAT would pose a threat to your marriage? Perhaps your "marriage" isn't as strong as you might think.

How strong was Rush Limbaugh's 4 marriages? How strong was one of Newt Gingrich's marriages? Larry King's? Elizabeth Taylor, Britney Spears, Michael Jackson? How strong were their marriages? Were any of them as strong as the 60 years my grandparents had til death did they part? Or the 34 years of one couple I know who are dismayed that their gay son cannot enjoy the same privilege?

Perhaps the "sanctity of marriage" isn't as strong as you might think.

"We're Getting Stronger" by Loleatta Holloway (1976), a song that may be known more to GAY couples as many are still fans of Disco music and its performers. And as their relationships grow stronger as they stay together, its long overdue for those relationships to be treated equally.

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