Saturday, August 07, 2010

Saturday love and a lame duck.

If it's Saturday and you are in love, this is a great day!

Perhaps its a Saturday Love with potential for the rest of the week.

"Saturday Love" by Cherelle & Alexander O'Neal

Or "Saturday In The Park" is something you'll be able to enjoy in areas where you have a beautiful local park that is iconic in your city. Like Piedmont Park in Atlanta or Central Park in New York.

"Saturday In The Park" by Chicago

But now if you are gay and live in California it is possible you may be able to spend that "Saturday In The Park" with not only your "Saturday Love" but the love of your life that you are LEGALLY married to. This is because the TERM LIMITED LAME DUCK Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger along with California Attorney General Jerry Brown has filed motions to resume same-sex marriages immediately after the ruling of that state's voter supported ban on same-sex marriages ("Prop 8") as unconstitutional.

Marriage Equality in California was to be put on hold at least for the short term while the recent ruling against proposition 8 was appealed. But the state's governor who's political career is ending soon and the state's attorney general who is the Democratic nominee for Governor in the upcoming election have found it within their hearts to allow marriage equality in California.

But where were these POLITICANS in 2008 on this issue? This blogger doesn't live in California so California residents are welcome to post comments and enlighten us on where Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jerry Brown have been on the issue of same-sex marriage. The Governor had the past 8 years, two terms to work for and encourage marriage equality in the state. But only after his state's ban on same-sex marriage is overturned at a time when his approval rating is low and we are reaching the end of his second term where he is not eligibe to run again does he show a desire for same-sex marriages to happen in California.

It is important to note that as you celebrate and walk down the asile in your California wedding that Arnold is doing this as a defeated man with nothing to lose. He doesn't have to face any political fallout from the Republican base that he pandered to over the years when he sought their votes. And Jerry Brown the former Governor and current attorney general is running for election as the DEMOCRATIC nominee. And what better way to get votes from California's gay community (made mostly of DEMOCRATS) than to show support for same-sex marriages to resume. It would be interesting to know where Jerry Brown stood on marriage equality in recent years and if he is elected governor will he continue to stand for LGBT rights in the state or will he be another "friend" during election season and a disappointment after the voters elect him. Sadly that is typical of POLITICIANS like the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC.

As for Arnold Schwarzenegger, now that his political career is coming to an end he is going to need some support should he decide to resume his acting career and we all know that the entertainment community has a large LGBT population. And Arnold is going to need all the friends he can get in Hollywood. At the very least if he becomes an full time resident of Southern California again he may want to get along with his neighbors.

If Arnold Schwarzenegger were up for re-election he would have fought to keep Proposition 8 as if it were another "Terminator" movie. So excuse this blogger if he doesn't give Arnold Schwarzenegger a pass for calling for same-sex marriages to resume in California.

Gotta love lame ducks and their sudden change of heart to give you what you wanted all along.

Let's hope the marriages start soon. And best wishes to those planning to tie the knot.

How about another wedding song. You don't hear much about this talented performer Amanda Marshall. This is her song "Marry Me".

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