Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Thank you Jonah Hill but you shouldn't have to apologize. You should have punched the photographer

I don't know much about Jonah Hill but I do know how much I LOATHE Politifcal Correctness and sadly Jonah Hill had to participate AFTER being harassed by some TMZ paparazzi slut. (The news article)

It really annoys me that just because someone has some celebrity that people think its perfectly fine for them to be followed and harassed during their private times and that people actually believe that these people have no right to some privacy and should be bothered when they are "off the clock".

So a photographer is following Jonah Hill around and taking pictures without his permission then makes an INAPPROPRIATE comment about the "sexiness" of Jonah Hill's shorts and its Jonah Hill that has to apologize? That's bullshit! And in this case, while there are no reports of the personal identity of the photographer or whether the photographer was gay or straight and he makes such a comment toward another man (assumed to be straight) isn't this like hitting on the guy or making inappropriate sexual harassment comment? Then Jonah Hill's response in my opinion is very JUSTIFIED. And she should not have had to apologize.

There should be MORE outrage for the parasites that follow people around taking photos of their PERSONAL and PRIVATE moments, even if they happen to be on a public sidewalk.


But Jonah Hill realized that some words hurt and the simple fact that he said some homophobic slurs may hurt some feelings and definitely will flame the cult of political correctness. Jonah Hill apologized and that makes him a good guy for appearing emotional and regretful of what he had to say.

All that is cute but my opinion is he should not have apologized, he should have punched the photographer! That makes me look bad for advocating violence and I will be branded as such. But something needs to be done to STOP harassment and stalking. Most of America is too chicken shit to enact and enforce LAWS to put a stop to it. So perhaps whooping some ass will get their attention.

Go ahead flame me for my opinion. I said it and don't give a damn.

Have a great day!

#RantOfTheDay #LGBT #Stalking #Homophobia #Paparazzo #Paparazzi #JonahHill

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snowy night in Georgia

It snowed last night.

Doesn't happen much in these parts.

I just happened to be out at night when the snow came and took some photos. However local temperatures were well below freezing and things are icy. So I doubt I will be getting many daytime photos. But whatever I take you can see on my FLICKR page.