Sunday, August 01, 2010

An RSJ blog "Flashback" Political friend requests on Facebook and a hint of the RSJ blogger's political beliefs.

THIS IS A REPOST OF AN ENTRY FROM THE FORMER "E-BLOG: Yeah I said it" from November 2009.
The person I was speaking about was running for congress in 2010 but several others also stepped forward to run and the person that prompted my blog post never filed and fortunately did not run for office.

I thought I would share this from my Facebook account. Someone who is interested in running for congress in my district recently made a friend request on Facebook. I ignored the request and less than a day later, the friend request from this aspiring politician was repeated.

Now it happens that I don't agree with most of this poltician's platform but we happen to be in one of the same Facebook groups on a specific topic that we do agree with. But our ONE agreed topic doesn't meet the qualifications for approval as a "friend" on Facebook. So in my status update I posted the following.

Message to politicians: I am NOT a Democrat nor am I a Republican. I am fiscally conservative and very socially liberal. I don't impose my religious beliefs on others and try to make them law of the land. I support same-sex marriages. I don't beleive in discrimination of any kind. I am not ruled by any one party line ...and consider all sides with an open mind. Think about this before you send me a friend request.

Then in the comment section after the status post I continued with this.

I call a spade a spade. I think "profiling" is a good thing. It's a shame that a few rotten people in a group have to make "profiling" a necessity.

I think that since I was born a male and cannot give birth, I believe that no male should have the right to tell a woman what to do with their body. If MAN doesn't agree with abortion then MAN should insist that they keep their pants zipped up. And since those who speak out the most on Abortion are OLD MEN, then lets ban viagra too.
(do I sound radical or crazy there? Don't care!)

I support tax reform, specifically THE FAIR TAX ( and I am angry that these ideas were HIJACKED by nutcases in the form of "tea parties".

I also watch FOX news! Except that pathetic little republican elf that comes on at 9pm. I just can't stand either him or the drug addict thats on the radio right now. And while people claim certain news networks and personalities are biased......GUESS WHAT...They are all biased! And I never watch a political event on any news network because of it. Olberman is just as off the wall as O'Reilly. Thank god for C-SPAN!

I could go on and on but its probably best that I return to keeping my political beliefs to myself. Keeps the blood pressure at a decent level.

Now back to my lunch!


So I hope this gives you a glimpse of my political opinion. I am not likely to participate in traditional stereotypes and I am likely to step on toes. Actually this blog stepped on some toes a short while back and it proved that we all have "issues" but not everyone is bold enough to admit or express their issues publically. Well here I am, Edric Floyd and another blog has been posted.

Stay tuned for more "toe stepping"

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