Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Respect the Lady Bird!

I think its a damn shame that some people have HIJACKED the name "Ladybird" and applied it to the husband of a now former 2012 presidential candidate.  Members of the gay community mainly fueled by blogger Joe Jervis constantly tweet and blog about the husband of the former candidate who dropped out of the 2012 Presidential race after a dismal showing in the Iowa Caucus. People assume he is gay because of his mannerisms and staunch anti-gay campaign. And now there are calls for him to "come out". But for me as a member of the gay community I can honestly say I DON'T WANT HIM ON MY TEAM.

I also hate that people call this "man" "Ladybird"!  What an insult this is to the memory of Claudia Alta "Lady BirdTaylor Johnson (December 22, 1912 – July 11, 2007) the former first lady who actually did some good in her life. Read the biography of the REAL and ONE AND ONLY "Lady bird".

 Oh and now that that 2012 presidential candidate has dropped/suspended her campaign I think they deserve absolutely NO further attention. Not even a name mention.

Please let them crawl back under their rock!

Monday, January 02, 2012

Jan 2nd: I like Warm Weather

Like old school smooth jazz and R&B, I like warm weather!  Which means I am not going to like the next few days at all.  Brrrrr!

Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy New Year!

For the record, I like many am glad to see the year 2011 come to an end. I have no desire to remember the past year and the many trials and tribulations it put me through. Many of them forced me to neglect this blog thing I always wanted to do. But it is a new year now. Welcome 2012 and 2011 can kiss my ass and forever be flushed down the drain of history. Gone and hopefully forgotten.

Look for me to make The EF  Huddle Blog a habit in 2012. Hopefully it will be interesting enough for you so that it will become part of your daily habit.  I thank you in advance for your support and I appreciate if you offer feedback.

Happy New Year!