Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Being Thankful (Wednesday)

I am VERY VERY thankful for the invention of the DVR (Digital Video Recorder)!

Depending on how you have it, it could be a "TIVO". But many have "DVR" machines that work with their TV service provider. Mine is with Dish Network Satalite. And I love this thing! I can record up to 100 hours of television and it is stored on a hard drive. The programing is easy to access, just highlight the program name and press select.

It was only 30 years ago that someone invented the VCR which was then called the VTR (Video TAPE Recorder). And by the 1980's, the whole idea of having to be at home to watch your favorate TV program became extinct. If you knew how to program the machine, you could watch television on YOUR schedule. Thanks to the DVR I can watch TV on my schedule AND never again have to worry about fuzzy tapes, video tapes eaten up by the VCR or mechanical problems. I don't even have to worry about power outages deleting the programs that I have already scheduled to record. The old VCR always had to be re-programmed.

Come to think of it, I am also thankful for my Satalite TV. Hundreds of channels! And I subscribe to nearly all of them! Back when the first VCR machines went on sale 30 years ago, most of us only had an average of THREE TV channels to choose from. If you had cable TV back then, your choices were an average of 20 channels. Now even with cable tv you have hundreds of options. We have come a long way!! And couch potatoes around the world are thankful!

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