Sunday, November 13, 2005

"Hello Chunky Chunky!!"

OK, so I stopped at the supermarket for a few things. I only do this on Sunday if I absolutely need to get something. And today it was Toilet Paper. (I know, too much information.) And while I was walking to my car there was this car full of children and they were looking at me. I didn't think much about it but then I heard a child's voice laughing and yelling "Hello Chunky Chunky" and then it was repeated with a few more voices. "Hello Chunky Chunky!" those "cute" little kids sang with great amusement.

I don't dislike children, but I don't have any either. You see I would probably end up in jail for hurting one of those rugrats. It's called "Old School-down-in-the-country-southern style-black family parenting". I am an adult and those children spoke out of line toward me. And "back in the day" if I had said to someone "grown" what those brats said to me? I'd get the mess slapped right out of me. And in some cases, the adult you spoke out of line to would get you first, then you got it again from your own parents. You can't do that today. You can't even think about slapping a child in the mouth today. But whats really sad is that children are so out of control now. They can get away with so much that previous generations could never dream of.

So when a child decides to make comments about an adult like me who happens to be a little "Chunky Chunky" as they call it, I just have to smile, pretend that I think those little brats are cute and go on my merry way.

Those brats better be glad that I never give out halloween candy. I'd be the one who slips some ex-lax inside a choclate candy wrapper. That'll teach them!!

Would someone please tell parents to teach their little rugrats how to respect adults, regardless of their size!

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