Saturday, December 31, 2005

Another solo New Year's Eve

This is another of those days when I am painfully reminded that I am single. And it seems permanently so. I have never had a date even when I had the nerve to ask (which is rare) and it is a bitch to watch others have that companionship on nights like tonight. New Years Eve! When people will celebrate the new year with someone special and maybe even share a kiss after midnight.

I have no idea what that is like. I wish I did so I could just get over it. But there are no plans for this evening. No one is interested. I can't even get the time of day if I asked. Because when people see me, they run in the other direction at a very rapid pace. So no date for me on New Years Eve. Never had one. And that is not going to change tonight.

I don't even want to see midnight come around. I have no one to share it with so I might as well go to sleep.

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