Tuesday, December 27, 2005

How to know what your neighbors got for Christmas without asking.

It is trash day and I am reminded of an easy way to learn a few things about my neighbors without asking them. I don't even have to know them.

If I were curious about what "gifts" my neighbors got for Christmas (which I am not) all I have to do is look outside before the garbarge truck arrives. And I'll have plenty of time today as the garbarge truck will be late. They will have plenty of extra work to do this week.

Lets see, one neighbor got a Dirt Devil vacuum, a cheap 32 inch TV from Wal-Mart, a DVD/VCR combo, a microwave oven, and one of their kids got an Easy Bake Oven (I always wanted one of those when I was a child!) and a new pink "Barbie" VW Beetle with flowers all over it. That Barbie bimbo has everything. Shouldn't she be settling into an old folks home right about now?

Another neighbor got a shelf stereo system, a SONY home theatre receiver with speakers, plus additional speakers AND an entertainment center big enough to hold a flat screen TV. I didn't see a box for the actual TV, perhaps they'll get that later. They even got a DVD Recorder!

Many neighbors got new computers this year. Most are the usual all-inclusive desktop PC packages you can get at Wal-Mart or Sams. I bet some of them were purchased the day after Thanksgiving in one of those really cheap sales.

And that house with all of the loud rugrats? Well there are toys galore for the kids including a radio controlled Hummer truck and the latest Playstation video game set, DVD/TV combos (probably for each child's bedroom), boombox CD/radios AND some small kitchen appliances. A blender, a toaster oven and a microwave (they got one of those last year too). And they must love Old Navy in that house. I see several Old Navy shopping bags full of trash too.

There are many who have new TV's and some who even got new VCR's! (They still sell those?)

I can tell that most of my neighborhood had a gift filled Merry Christmas. Sadly, many thieves also know who had a gift filled holiday. As usual, many households have given free advertising to anyone interested in knowing what's available to steal and someone will have their home burglarized in the very near future. The new trend is to have an increase in thefts AFTER the holidays instead of before. Instead of taking wrapped gifts of unknown value the thieves now know what's inside the home. Need to steal the new PlayStation? The house down the street has one. Or how about a Barbie Volkswagen? If you stole that from the house across the street will it be missed? You know Barbie has so many cars. Corvettes and such. And she could borrow Ken's Miata IF Ken's boyfriend doesn't have a hissy fit.

By the way, I wonder if Ken got a Hummer for Christmas? Yeah, the truck too!

Hey! Inquiring minds want to know. And I bet Barbie gets the Hummer Truck next year!

But I digress...

People should never put boxes outside that show anything! You should break those boxes down and take them to a recycling center or tear them apart and put them in your trash can or at least hide them in trash bags. Or do like I do, use them for stuff stored in the attic or re-use them as shipping boxes whevever I have to ship a large package to anyone. Just don't put these boxes outside with the trash where anyone could guess what expensive items may be inside your home.

Am I a nosy neighbor? Naw.

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