Thursday, December 29, 2005

Clean up on aisle 5, aisle 6, aisle 7.............

Last night after work I went to the supermarket to get a few things. Mainly I needed to buy greeting cards for a friend's wedding anniversary and another friend's birthday. But while I was at the store I decided to buy some grocery items. I did not really need anything. Actually, I wanted some Ben and Jerry's Butter Pecan Ice Cream!

It was almost midnight and as usual there was only one cashier on duty. There were several people with full shopping carts in line. Also, school is out this week for the holiday, so the teenagers are out having a little fun. There were several teens at the checkout line and their party was definitely in progress. That is until one of the teenage girls vomited AT the check out line. No warning, just a simultaneous movement of people moving out of her way along with the sound of a big splash onto the floor.

After a chorus of "ewwwws" from everyone present for this nasty occurrence one of the giggling teenage boys ran to look for another teen, and told his friend "We need you! Your girlfriend just puked! Right on the floor dude!" And the giggling teenage girls actually wondered IF they needed to find the bathroom while the girl who vomited looked as if she was ready for an encore performance.

Well, some of us weren't laughing. Actually I was quite disgusted by the episode. So I got the hell out of there! I suddenly lost interest in buying or eating any food after what happened and no one seemed to be in any hurry to clean up the mess. And that little girl covered some great territory. What (or shall I say how much) did she eat or drink to create such a large mess? Disgusting! Simply disgusting!

So I saved some money last night thanks to a teenage girl getting sick in the store. And it will be a while before I will shop at that store again. I have to get over the trauma of what happened last night. Yuk!

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