Tuesday, January 10, 2006

God don't like Ugly

When I was growing up, they used to tell me "God don't like ugly".

Well, today comes a news report about an ugly TV station: KARK-TV 4 in Little Rock, Arkansas. This was one of a few NBC affiliated stations that chose to censor a new TV show called "The Book of Daniel" because the religious community complained that the show's storyline "offends" them. These complaints came before the show's debut on January 6th.

The state of Arkansas has filed tax liens against the television station for delinquent payroll taxes dating back to the summer of 2003. (News Article) from Arkansas Business.com

What happened? Didn't God tell them to pay their taxes? Seems to me that they should have been more concerned about their books of accounting rather than "The Book of Daniel".

1 comment:

Tim Black said...

Iknow. INteresting how the religious wrong is leaving all the shows with sex, violence(24), scantil clad tarts (American Idol) and other things that should be more offensive on the air. Their Jesus is a whimp. It frightens me that they are all setting the agenda and I can't believe that 9 stations have whimped out.