Saturday, January 07, 2006

"The Book of Daniel" -Book of Stupid Protests (part 3)

I am not good at writing reviews of television shows. So I'll just say that I did watch "The Book of Daniel" and I enjoyed it. There are many things about this show that are over the top and I could see where someone could be offended. I just don't understand why there is so much fuss over this show. I assume this show was meant to be a comedy. I laughed at some of it and I shook my head in amusement of some of it. Overall, this is not the greatest TV show ever, nor is it the worst. One thing is that there are more important things to get upset over than THIS television show.

To update my previous post, the final tally of television stations that censored "The Book of Daniel" is four plus one more not confirmed. The two original stations in Terre Haute and Little Rock plus two more NBC stations refused to broadcast the program. KBTV-4 in Beaumont, TX and WGBC-30 in the metropolis of Meridian, Mississippi. WTVA-9 was reported as the fifth station to pre-empt "The Book Of Daniel" in Tupelo Mississippi, the home town of Ron Wildmon and the American Family Association- The so-called "Christians" who started this whole mess. Together these stations count for less than ONE PERCENT of the viewership of NBC's 230 affiliates.

One group of stations that planned to censor "The Book of Daniel" later reversed their decision and broadcasted the program. "KSN" in Kansas received many calls asking them to NOT boycott the show. That was KSNW in Wichita and their satellite stations that make up KSN: The Kansas State Network (NBC)

Many television station managers have stated that it was unfair to judge a TV show without having seen it while people like Duane Lammers of Nexstar TV and Susan Ross of little WGBC TV in Meridian felt it was necessary to believe that their viewers were not smart enough to choose what they wanted to watch in their homes. Sure, the TV stations recieved calls and e-mails by the thousands demanding that the TV show be banned. But most people had only seen promos of the show or were simply responding to hearsay from christian leaders. Now the callers will bug the advertisers until they get their wish to have this show banned from the air.

Anyway the show was not a ratings winner but there was an increase in viewership during that timeslot, an increase that is surely a result of this controversy. I doubt that the christian protests over the show will make it go away. Lower ratings over time will determine that and that is how it should be. If you don't like a program then don't support it. Change your channel or turn your TV off and read a book. Or go out and have a "Gay ole' Time! Surely there is a WAL-Mart or Waffle House in your little town where you can hang out on a Friday night. Or even better (for you).....go to church!

1 comment:

J.D. said...

I'm a conservative Christian, but I don't support all these protests and strong-arm attempts to get the show off the air. Censorship is way too dicey an animal to play with. If I take away your right to free speech and expression, then I'm opening up the floodgates for you to take my rights away later. I blogged about this, and you're welcome to read it if you want at
