Thursday, June 23, 2011

Waiting and waiting for Marriage Equality in New York

The state assembly in New York passed a bill that could legalize marriages for same-sex couples. And for a couple weeks the people of New York have been waiting on their state senate to vote on the bill.

NEWS ARTICLE FROM New York "Gay City News"

There have been negotiations with state senators to secure votes before bringing it to the floor. News would come out that they had enough votes and would possibly vote on one day and it gets delayed day after day. Supporters of marriage equality in New York have been on pins and needles waiting for New York to join 5 other states in offering fairness and equality in Marriage.

New York State, your tax paying same-sex couples are waiting for you to make things equal. Stop the delays! Make marriage equality a reality in New York.

Click on THIS LINK for more information on contacting the NYS senate asking them to bring it to a vote. (6/23)

The music for this article is "Waiting" by Deniece Williams

As the people of New York continue to wait and anticipate marriage equality in New York State.

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