Saturday, June 04, 2011

Disco Saturday and Gay Days 20th anniversary

"Disco Saturday" for the first weekend in June 2011. This is the popular "Gay Days" weekend in Orlando Florida. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the first "Gay Day" at Walt Disney World. Originally an unofficial gathering of Gays and Lesbians at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom, the event has grown into a week of gay pride events all over Central Florida. And surely some of its participants are fans of the old school Disco you will get here for "Disco Saturday"

Since this weeks "Disco Saturday" is in honor of Gay Days weekend in Orlando, I thought I would share with you the five part video of friends who attended Gay Days in 2010. You can enjoy this and other videos from the highly recommended YouTube channel "Life In The Form of Sean" And if you like the videos, then you should "Like" Sean on Facebook

"Gay Days 2010"
Videos produced by Mark O'Byrne.






Now that you enjoyed the video visit of Disney World, this week's "Disco Saturday" blog begins with a little Disco Mickey Mouse.

Sorry Mickey for bringing this up. But you did record this.

Oh and Donald Duck doesn't get off the hook. He wasn't a "Disco Duck" but was a "Macho Duck".

Well thats enough "Disney Disco" as these are modern times and the younger attendees would prefer Lady Gaga disney. Whatever your musical preference, if you are attending "Gay Days" in Orlando, be safe, have fun and dance a little.

And I have the next dance for you with birthday greetings..

"I've Got The Next Dance" by Deniece Williams
June Deniece Chandler turns 61 on June 3rd.

One part of the "Gay Days" theme is to wear a RED T-SHIRT to the theme parks. And being the fashion conscience people of the world, surely the gays will wear those red shirts very well. (Well those who wear shirts)

"You Wear It Well" by DeBarge
Eldra Patrick DeBarge, "El" DeBarge turns 50 on June 4th!

While waiting on line for a theme park ride many will hope they can "Move On Up" in line quickly. June 3rd was the birthday of the late Curtis Mayfield, who wrote the song "Move On Up" which was covered by the disco group Destination.

"Move On UP" by Destination

And once you get on those theme park rides, "Don't let go" for you don't want to fall off. Or if that theme park involves a haunted house or other scary attraction, "Don't let Go" of your partner!

"Don't Let Go" by Isaac Hayes

And after a day in the theme parks, many will go to any of the circuit parties or clubs and the music will continue to play.

"Let The Music Play" by Shannon

And it all comes to an end late Sunday. So where will YOU go when the party is over?
"Disco Sunday" goes to Philadelphia of course.

"Where Will You Go When The Party's Over" by Archie Bell & The Drells on Philadelphia International.

And our next stop in Philly is our favorite First Choice "Let No Man Put Asunder"

And finally here are two from the "Everyone had to try disco at least once" catagory...


And Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr, "Shine On Silver Moon"

And thats your Disco Saturday for this week.

Keep on shining!

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