Sunday, May 01, 2011

Mayday! Mayday! I'm Baaaack! (To blogging that is)

May 1, 2011, I have decided to try again to get into the habit of blogging. I have things to say or share or just want to document my passion for one thing or another.

A few months back I changed the name of this blog for the second time. The first version was too bland, the second version seemed to not have any clear direction, a horrible logo and poor appearance. In short I got bored with it. Then I changed to this "new" format under the title "Pride And Soul" which isn't much different than the previous "Rainbow Soul Journal and frankly I am not sure where I am going with this. But I shall try again.

You can expect that with this return to blogging I will maintain my dislike for political correctness and likely upset some readers with my non traditional views. I may also share with you some recent experiences in dealing with people on specific issues that show that while some think their mindset is "progressive" it is in fact more destructive and a cause for holding some people back. I believe in what you can call the PAINFUL TRUTH while others prefer a sugarcoated version of alledged reality.

Enough about that part, the "Soul" part is definitely the music. People who are friends of mine on Facebook know that I post a lot of music. Some have unfriended me because of the volume of posts that ended up on their newsfeeds. Others appreciate the music posts and some find them informative. But a better place to express my musical interests is here on the blog and you will see more here and less there while I will post links to the blog on Facebook and Twitter. You will be able to find a combined post with more detail that I hope you will find to be entertaining and informative at the same time.

The "Pride" part is Gay Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender news, issues and activism. Hoping GLBT issues and understanding will make its way to people least likely to hear it but are most likely in NEED of hearing it. Hmmm, a SOUL music audience? You bet your last dollar on that! People NEED to hear about and come to an understanding of LGBT issues coming from a place that doesn't fit the stereotype.

"Pride And Soul" together is ME. This is my blog and I don't have to be objective but I will try. So whatever is on my mind and whatever my belief system is, that is what you will see here. I hope you will enjoy whatever you see when you visit "Pride and Soul" by Edric Floyd.

Please understand that I am not a professional writer. I could use a return to school and good training in writing and journalism. I see that is possible in my not too distant future. But practice also makes good and hopefully perfect. So I hope this blogging experience improves over time.

Thanks for giving "Pride and Soul" by Edric Floyd a chance. Feel free to comment but understand that this blog will not become a cesspool of cyberspace like so many message board and comment sections have become on other sites and blogs that are popular and considered to be "outstanding" by national organizations.

And this is a tease....the last paragraph is a hint of one of the topics I plan to blog about many times in the future.

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