Sunday, July 01, 2012

Tea Toast Salute: Happy Anniversary Pam & Kate (Spaulding)

Here is a Daily Sweet Tea Toast salute to Pam Spaulding and her wife Kate on the 8th anniversary of their marriage in Canada on July 1, 2004. The lesbian couple were legally married in Canada where same-sex marriages are legal but they are residents of North Carolina which recently became the 32nd state in the USA to approve a constitutional amendment that bans legalization of their relationship. Pam Spaulding is one of the legends of the blogisphere and known affectionately as the "Blogmistress". And if you aren't reading her blog at PAM'S HOUSE BLEND then this must be your first time on the internet! All hail to the Blogmistress and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Pam Spaulding and her WIFE Kate! This weekend happens to be the birthday of BILLY BROWN, of the R&B group Ray, Goodman & Brown. And today I share their 1980 hit "Happy Anniversary"

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