Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chris L. Hough of Atlanta, you are a WIMP!

Hey Atlanta folks on Facebook! I am posting this on my blog so it can easily be shared.

Some of you are friends with a Chris L.Hough on Facebook. According to his profile he is an Atlanta area real estate agent.

Well he is a punk ass wimp! That is what I call people who block me on Facebook because they are incapable of having a conversation where there may be a disagreement.
He seems to support a CHILDISH and misleading video that runs OFF TOPIC to the Facebook group where the video was posted. (Screen caps of conversation below)

On my personal Facebook account Chris L. Hough's posts disappeared. That is the result of his BLOCKING me on Facebook. His last post addressing me said "I rest my case,another asshole to block I think". Well Chris L. Hough, you are the ASSHOLE for sure and blocking me was a PUNK ASS WIMPY move on your part!

So these screen captures were done through another undisclosed Facebook account. Yeah CHRIS L. HOUGH, I had a way to see what you said. Your "asshole" comment was done AFTER you blocked me! If not for the other FB account access to the group I would never have seen it.

I probably shouldn't use my blog for a personal anger from some asshole on Facebook but what the hell. This is my way of exposing what some people will do when they cannot handle a disagreement like an ADULT! And this is my way of getting the last word. If you block me on Facebook or Twitter I am very likely to expose you here!

There is a lot of emotion over Chick-Fil-A and the homophobic stance of its CEO Dan Cathy. I am on the side of LGBT EQUALITY but it's dealing with crap like this and people like CHRIS HOUGH that are pushing me away from the Chick-Fil-A debate. I have a low tolerance for immaturity and misinformation. There is plenty of that coming from the GAY side of the debate. I feel we can behave BETTER than that and sometimes I might be called a "prude" for my stance.

Well I could use all of the sources I have to support LGBT equality as it also supports ME. But I will NOT be associated with immaturity and misinformation. I will call it out regardless of which side it comes from. I don't feel that the playground bully tactic and getting cheap laughs at the expense of the opponent are EVER going to solve the problems at hand.

And I won't play that game.

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