Sunday, July 01, 2012

7.1.12: Another new name!

July 1, 2012 and the blogging history of Edric Floyd has entered another new phase through a new name.

Gone is the short lived "Collard Greens and Sweet Tea" to "The Daily Sweet Tea". And it is a renewed hope that I will present a daily entry and keep up with current events and opinion. Also a simpler name but still keeping a regional reference so as to distinguish and highlight the part of the United States that I proudly call home in a world and community where there is more disparagement toward the region where I live than there is praise and honest documentation.

And so be it, this is the beginning of the "Daily Sweet Tea" by Edric Floyd.  I hope this time I can actually keep focused and make it work. 

Thank you in advance for reading and I hope you enjoy a daily dosage of my "Sweet Tea". Brewed and sweetened fresh daily for your blog reading pleasure. (Yeah right.)

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