Wednesday, June 06, 2012

WIMP of the Day: Caiden Cowger of West Virginia

The WIMP of the day for June 6, 2012 is 14 year old Caiden Cowger of West Virginia.

The host of "The Caiden Cowger Program" as a young Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck wannabe recently posted a rather insane homophobic video rant saying that the President was making children gay. Then when he started getting comments and taking heat for his video rant, he little boy CLOSED his YouTube account basically running and hiding from the results of his own making.

Hey Caiden, here is some advice from some old guy in his mid 40s.  GROW UP!   If you want to play in the grown up game of public commentary then you have to have the nerve to accept both the praise AND the scorn.   You'll never be taken seriously, not because of your youth and proven ignorance but because of your cowardly running away by removing the videos you wanted everyone to hear so you can impress the big boys you hoped to be when you grow up.

You are forever marked as a wimp.

Go away little boy!

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