Wednesday, June 06, 2012

President Barack Obama is making kids GAY!

President Barack Obama is making kids GAY!

So said a 14 year old with too much spare time on his hands!- AND AFTER HE POSTED THIS VIDEO, IT WENT VIRAL AND HE RECIEVED COMMENTS, THE LITTLE PUNK CLOSED HIS YOUTUBE ACCOUNT!! (update 7:30pm, a few hours after the video was posted)

If I find another link to this I will share it!  He basically went on a rant about how he felt that homosexuality was a "belief" and the traditional rant that it is a sin against god and that the president was making kids gay.

 Update 6/7/2012 @ 2:41am, here is a "mirrored" copy of the video saved and reposted after Caiden took down his original YouTube account!

You know, my elders used to believe in a philosophy that children should be seen and not heard. THIS KID HAS HIS OWN RADIO TALK SHOW, A Facebook "fan" page and a YouTube channel!  He is seen AND heard by at least a few!

And who is it they say is going to hell?  Well if there are any more Caiden Cowger's out there we're ALL going to hell in a hurry. Beware world!  This kid is eligible for a driver's license in a couple years and perhaps more dangerously, eligible to VOTE by 2016!

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