Saturday, July 23, 2011

My NON Sugarcoated opinion of the death of Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse found dead at age 27. Many are posting that it is SAD but is it really sad? I hate to rain on the grieving parade but this isn't sad as much as it is shameful REALITY. It is a painful truth and the only real sadness would be IF this isn't the wake up call that it needs to be just as it wasn't for the other drug abusers in entertainment who are now DEAD. It was predictable and should not be sugarcoated. Do drugs, refuse treatment, you are likely to DIE.

Fans knew about Amy Winehouse's troubles and continued to reward her by supporting her music. The people in Amy Winehouse's life from family to business associates to so-called friends certainly knew. Some likely tried to help all they could but many likely were just along for the ride ($$$). There are many people who could have worked harder to prevent senseless deaths like this from happening.

Perhaps the next time a celebrity or your own friends and family are abusing drugs they are given a choice...shape up, clean up or DONT SUPPORT THEM. Stop buying their music and concert tickets until they clean themselves up. Stop rewarding drug addicts. You supported her talent then you aided and abeted her demise. We tend to watch train wrecks like Amy, Lindsey and Whitney like its a sitcom and people laugh and joke about it and can't wait for their next public release. The money these entertainers earn from your support also supported everything that led to DEATH. And today's example was Amy Winehouse.

The money hungry music company executives should create and enforce higher standards to help prevent things like this from happening and of course save lives. Most people have to submit to a drug test for employment. Perhaps this should also be a condition before a recording contract is offered or a concert promotion. Other people's lives and fortunes were on the line. If one were to invest time and money to promote a talent then that talent should be prepared and protected. And a drug abuser is more of a liability than an asset. Their troubles overshadow their talent and everyone loses in the end. All that's left now are for the vultures to pick at the remains. Yes, that is a waste.

Amy Winehouse is the latest in a long line of talented 27 year olds who abused drugs and died over generations. Time to make an example and turn them into a lesson so this trend can come to an end.

She should have said YES YES YES to "Rehab"

Amy Winehouse (September 14, 1983-July 23, 2011)

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