Saturday, July 09, 2011

Black Bigots

After a recent personal confrontation I have decided to begin a regular blog series highlighting something that is way too often swept under the rug. I will call that series "Black Bigots" and it will feature people who are Black/African-American and who display the many aspects of being a bigot. Racism, homophobia, sexism and any other form of discrimination practices by persons of color toward other races and in many cases "Black On Black" discrimination. If it smells of bigotry I plan to air it out.

"Black Bigots" is being presented by me as a Black man who happens to also be gay. And I have experienced some bigotry within the same Black community where black men like to refer to other black men as "Brothers", or more commonly misspelled as "Brotha". But if you are revealed to be gay in the community those "brothers" will turn on you in a hot minute. Such is the case of a recent confrontation I had which I will dedicate its own blog post.

I have always wanted to blog with total honesty and integrity and I don't care about stepping on anyones toes as long as I am sure that the truth is being exposed. I am not also a very good writer, this is my practice and I will improve over time. But I will not hold back on the exposure of BLACK BIGOTS! Black people often talk about racism and bigotry from other ethnicitys but seem to think that it is OK for them to express the same type of hatred without being accountable. Like whenever someone uses the "N" word. If the person who says it happens to be white, they may have hell to pay. But if you are Black, its supposed to be ok. I won't give them a pass.

I am also inspired by famous Black people when they sometimes speak out on issues that they may feel make the Black community look bad. Bill Cosby has expressed his opinions many times and he caught a lot of flack for it. Some say we as black people shouldn't air out our dirty laundry. I say bullshit! It's long overdue for the truth to be exposed and dealt with. It is time to air out ALL of the dirty laundry including those HOLY DRAWZ with skid marks down the back. And if BLACK BIGOTS don't want their dirty laundry aired out in public then they need to use extra detergent to clean the laundry, or to put in simple terms....wash your ass and keep it clean.

But for those who are funky, you will be put out in the open for the light of day to expose your darkest "secrets". I will name names with no shame. And I dare you to prove me wrong. But I will also encourage you to help make things right.

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