Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I'll give you $500!

Not that I think anyone would read this, I have an offer to give someone $500.

My offer is the result of a conversation I heard today on a nationally syndicated radio show. The topic was should a real estate agent be held responsible for selling a house to a customer who could not afford to buy it.

This is not a joke. There really are people out there who believe that with the current mortgage crisis and so many people losing their homes to forclosure are the result of agents selling a house to someone knowing that their financial or credit status meant that they couldn’t afford to buy a home. The converstation that I heard on the radio today suggested that mortgage companies, bankers and now real estate agents were to blame for people losing their homes. The actual people who bought the houses with little money or income and poor credit were not to blame for losing their house in a poor economy.

So my impression with this thing people call a "mortgage crisis" is that many people (some call "home owners") were forced to sign documents for finance contracts on a house. I am assuming that people were threatened with their life if the did not sign and agree to terms that would require people to lead themselves to financial ruin and homelessness. I assume that people were gagged so they could not say the word NO.

So here is my offer.

I will give FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS to the first person who can prove to me that they were FORCED into a mortgage contact that had interest rate changes and payment terms that escalated to a point where YOU could not afford to make your monthly payments and eventually lost your home and were put out on the street.

You must prove that a real estate agent or mortgage banker held you against your will and/or threatened physical harm to you and your family. You must prove that an agent put a gun to your head insisting that you purchase a home regardless of your past or current financial situation, employment history and credit worthyness. You must prove that even with your poor credit score you were still forced to purchase a home beyond your means and with higher interest rates.

Also, in order to get the $500 you must have not done ANY of the following while your mortage contract was in effect. This clause is not negotable.

1. You must have not purchased a vehicle on credit during the time of your mortgage contract. No exceptions.

2. You must have not purchased a vehicle (even if you paid cash) that is worth more than the house you are paying a mortgage on.

3. You must have not purchased accessories for said vehicles (ie: Rims, Sound Systems, Hydrolics or graphics) during the time of the mortgage contract.

4. You must have not purchased lottery tickets during the time of your mortgage contract.

5. You must have not gone on expensive vacations during the time of your mortgage contract.

6. You must have not installed "rent to own" furnature in your home during the time of your mortgage contract.

7. You must have not subscribed to any of the following during the time of your mortgage contract- Cable or Satalite Television, Cell phones with extra features, High speed internet instead of cheaper dial-up, Netflix or more than one tabloid magazine per month.

8. You must have had a personal budget and adhered to it during the time of your mortgage contract

9. You must have not gone out to eat in restaurants more than once a month and ONLY when your monthly budget allows for it during the time of your mortgage contract.

10. You must not have ANY maxxed out credit cards during the time of your mortgage contract.

11. Any fraduelent activity (ie: forged signatures) or co-signers DO NOT QUALIFY FOR THIS OFFER.

12 You must have not taken out an additional mortgage on said home.

Again, the first person who meets the above criteria and who can prove that they were FORCED into a mortgage contract by a real estate agent or mortgage banker gets $500 from me.

HAHA, My money is so SAFE!!

It’s not like it could possibly be YOUR FAULT for trying to buy a house that you could not afford or you bought so much crap that you fell behind in your payments or you lost your crappy job and you dont have the education you need to get a better job so you could pay your bills. It’s not like you should have saved your money instead of buying that new playstation or DVD player or Flat screen TV. You might believe that it is the mortgage company’s fault, or the real estate agent’s fault, or George Bush’s Fault. We blame him for everything else, why not blame him for you losing your house too.

Hell, blame Hillary and Obama too. They still own their houses while you are out on your butt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of the problem was actually caused by mortgage brokers who falsified documentation (committed fraud) on behalf of their clients in order to secure them loans that exceeded the maximum payments that they would normally be allowed. If this loan happened to be an ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage,) their rate skyrocketed when GW Bush spent all of our tax money on fighting an invisible enemy named “terror”.

Mortgage brokers made a killing in the last few years because they were able to get away with doing this routinely. They would lure you in by saying they could get you a loan that no one else could. They profited by charging extra points that were tied into the loan and paid at closing (a point is equal to 1% of the loan.) I’m sure they saw this as a victimless crime and thought they were helping people. I personally think they should all be prosecuted and should not be allowed to work in that field again.

Did the people get “forced” into taking these enticing offers? No. Do the people deserve to be in the position they are in now? I agree with you. I ate rice for over three years to pay my mortgage and couldn’t afford a car for two years, but my house is now almost paid off and I didn’t let my mortgage broker do anything stupid. The homeowner should be making that mortgage payment their first priority and living frugally.

I do NOT think the government should be paying these mortgages. If the government wants to step in, it should force the banks to flip the ARM loans to fixed rate at the current prime+1% and make the rate retroactive. The government isn’t interested in doing anything to hurt banks. This is also why unethical credit card companies are allowed to ruin peoples lives routinely.
~David Corpus