Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snakes On A Plane or Snake In the White House: Which is my worst nightmare?

OK, I fell asleep with the television on. I usually do. But I fell asleep watching the State of The Union. This is not hard to do! Why do I even bother watching that? I want to hear what the president has to say regardless of who it is. But I can never get through those long boring ass speeches.

So I fell asleep half way through George W's Bushit. But a few hours later I woke up to the sound and flashing TV screen lights of the movie "Snakes On A Plane". My TV had "auto tuned" to HBO for a movie I wanted to watch earler but I slept so I missed it. But that damn snakes movie brought me out of a sleep.


All of those snakes taking over the plane! ARGGGGGH!!

Am I afraid of snakes? (yes!!!) And I already don't like to fly. I do it occasionally but I try my best to sleep through it. I don't like being trapped and the Snakes on the Plane idea scares the shit out of me.

Call me a WUSS if you want. I will call it SURVIVAL!!

The few minutes I saw of "Snakes On A Plane" had me lifting my feet off the floor. No other movie has done that since the first time I saw "Jaws" at the drive in when it first came out. (yes I am an old fart!)

That movie scared my seven year old little ass when I watched a man slide right into the big shark's mouth. (gobble gobble). I jumped so hard that I nearly created a sunroof in a Monte Carlo.

I hate to know how bad I would feel right now if I had Snakes On a Plane in High Def!!

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