Monday, February 21, 2011

Tea******* AND their Haters!

I get so irritated when some words and name calling persists and one of the biggest public users of one word I totally despise did so again today with this post on his popular blog. What saddens me is that the blogger is a great source of news and information for the LGBT community but feels the necessity to act like a giggling brat with the frequent use of a word targeting a group of political wackos with a sexual innuendo.

This habit from the left started as a joke when the Tea Party mistakenly identified themselves using a word they didn't understand had a sexual innuendo attached. When the Tea Party discovered their mistake they stopped using the word. Those opposed to the Tea Party and the Right in general seized upon that word and gleefully use it to joke about in reference to the political groups they disagree with. It was funny for about 5 minutes. Now it is a nuisance that needs to go away.

Name calling and jokes are among the many reasons why this country will NOT progress in any way any time soon. Part of that political CULTISM that has infected the United States like a vicious disease. A cancer that has plagued our government with power hungry parasites on two sides of a political opinion pandering to a misinformed voter base all too eager to suck in their rhetoric like a hungry dog at feeding time.

I HATE the use of the word "Teabagger" and it makes it difficult for me to read JOE MY GOD's blog and others within the LGBT community. These are supposed to be my brothers and sisters in the struggle but when it comes to political opinion including using immature phrases to disparage people you don't agree with, I guess I am the black sheep of the LGBT family.

Read my previous post "People Who Aren't Smart Enough To Vote" as a reminder of how we got into this situation and why I feel things wont change anytime soon especially with the current habits of other bloggers and their followers.

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