Thursday, December 23, 2010

VENTING: Ungreatful "Activist" wannabees, Opportunists and false friendships

*This was originally posted as a FACEBOOK note but I decided to make it a little more "public". Let it be documented and the chips fall where they may. Things are not what they appear to be and from now on I will call out things when they are WRONG. The personal rant you'll read below is such an event.

Also with this post I am removing a link to a website related to the person mentioned in this blog post. The reason for this is there hasn't been a clear understanding of the "organization's" mission and opportunities for proper networking and seeking support have failed miserably. And while I still support the person (in my heart and wishes) I cannot appear to endorse it with the current standing. Perhaps in the future I will mention the organization when things are treated seriously.

December 22, 2010

Derrick Martin has deleted most of the "friends" on Facebook and with other

recent occasions I felt the need to vent a little but post it as an open letter posted here as a Facebook note

I don't need or want a response. I'm just saying what I feel and thats it. Many

of you already know my opinions and experience over the past 9 months.


I guess Derrick Martin thining out his Facebook friends list included many of the (Central

Georgia) locals and organizations that stuck their necks out in in support of him from the beginning and before

the fame and attention became too much to handle. Lots of people including ME took great risks in their

personal, professional and volunteer lives when the stories came out in our own

backyard and we came forward in support.

Many of us supported and wanted to help. Some of us got snubbed at public events

like the HRC Atlanta dinner,Savannah Pride and Atlanta Pride. And supporters were shut out when

offered to help. Some of us truly cared but the Rural Georgia region was painted

as unworthy and uncaring in many ways. Often those negative painted images and insults came

from people OUTSIDE the state of Georgia. A few months ago there was a podcast titled "The Night The Lights Went Out IN Georgia: Where was the Community support" that

suggested that nobody locally cared about Derrick Martin but it got deleted within minutes of sending an e-mail to the podcast producers disputing some of the details and the blatent omissions about the community support from the September 2010 podcast.

The LGBT community in Georgia, yes GEORGIA is growing stronger despite the

images painted by non rural Georgia residents, national LGBT organizations and others who abandoned the area and despite the disrespect given to anyone around her who ever tried to make a difference.

For some of that growth in strength a former High School Student from nearby Cochran Georgia can be

thanked. Because the attention he created did encourage others who were truly in need of

support to seek it. Many true friendships were made that weren't filled with other

motives. Like I said, the GEORGIA LGBT community grew a little stronger.

Do I seem bitter? Don't care! But I'll tell you that I am not bitter as much as I admit to being annoyed. But I take pride in knowing that I tried. That was the best I could have done. In doing so I learned some

valuable lessons. OH did I learn some valuable lessons.

I learned who my "real" friends are and that it was a very

short list and certainly not those who I had once trusted.

I learned that opposition and harassment based on "guilt" by association, support or action

can be fierce and sadly come from both within as well as outside the LGBT


I learned that there are more cowards and opportunists than there ever will be heroes.

I learned that the general public was only admiring their own dreams and images and didn't give a damn about the real people.

I learned that it isn't easy for me to prove that I DID care about the real people as the real

people may have enjoyed the attention and admiration more than appreciated the


I was also reminded that money can bring out evil and could possibly be the key to someone's heart. The evil came from the accusations. The rest is best left unsaid.

There were some who in theiropposition and harrassment of me who said people were only doing whatever for attention. I REFUSE TO ALLOW ANY OF THOSE ASSHOLES AN "I TOLD YOU SO" for if no action of support was taken by anyone then some of the same people would have complained that nobody did anything. And even still....99% of those who complain NEVER get off of their precious asses to lift a finger to help or offer a solution. At least some of us are honest and dedicated enough to get up and at least try to do something.

My mama used to say that my mouth might get me into trouble. Well, I also learned in 2010 that the things I say INCLUDING THIS MESSAGE might step on some toes, hurt feelings or bruise egos but if I feel I am still being honest in my

feelings then I am perfectly fine with that. In other words, I don't give a damn! I am reminded that my opinion and my being honest is the best policy I know and that is what I am using. This is how I choose to live, honestly and without shame or regret.

I could go on but I just felt the need to vent.

Perhaps someone can forward my thoughts to the Georgia Southern College student. This note on Facebook is open to anyone who wishes to read. But when you do forward this, make sure to include that I STILL wish all the best and remind not only that person but EVERYONE that in order to work for Equality we all need to work TOGETHER. In order to support one, we need to support each other.

There has to be some substance to the promise of making a difference and creating change.

MY PERSONAL PLEDGE TO EVERYONE is that I will always be available to help wherever I can. I do care (beyond myself) and

will continue to support and work toward OUR brighter future.

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