Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Presidential Idol 2008

I rarely express my political opinion because I honestly don't want to offend anyone. I have friends and family of different political persuasions (sp) and I know they all mean well. I respect them all for the content of their character as a human being. And I learn from them when they share their experiences and opinions. They offer much for me to think about and to compare with my own for me to form MY opinion. But if I share that honest opinion, it turns people away if my opinion opposes theirs or appears "radical" to some. This time of the year often gets me into a quiet stress mode.

This may be a long shot, but I was wonderiing if anyone else is (or have long been) fed up with the more popular Democrat and Republican parties and feel left out of this "Presidential Idol" competition?

Yes, this is a biased question. I woke up a long time ago and realized that being affiliated with or staunchly supporting one political party over another is a supreme form of laziness. Republicans, Democrats and most of their supporters seem to have their heads so far up their political party's ass that they will believe anything their so-called leaders tell them. Then some react like ignorant little brats while expressing their opposition to the "other" party.

Prime examples of "brats" would include the violent protesters at the Republican National Convention AND idiot republican mouthpieces like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.

If that sounds rude, I apologize. But I am an equal opportunity critic. Most when it comes to political concerns are un-compromising and one sided. They either refuse to listen or understand other sides or some are just plain unable to think for themselves. With all respect I truly believe that most people are either brainwashed or simply following the trend of whatever they think is "cool".

I am especially mournful of this United States of America as most of its people really have no idea what or who they are really supporting. One group supports a "rock star" who speaks well and appears to have class but has little to show for in accomplishments. Sure, he is young and we do need a fresh start. But where are the people who were really born to lead us into something better?

The other side supports an aging vetran who really doesn't really share the same values but they can't pull enough of their own people together to support another hyprocate that does share their warped values. 6 months ago, they hated this guy, now they are in full support, towing that party line and setting themselves up for disappointment.

I am proudly NON-PARTISAN. Independents tend to think for themselves. They don't kiss the ass of some supreme political party platform. They try to understand more than one side of an issue.

I have found my political beliefs leaning more Libertarian but I will never join ANY political party. Libertarians wish for more true freedom. They don't give a damn what you are or what you do with your life as long as you accept responsibility for it. They seem to be the best "third" party option and I so badly wish for them to knock the top two out of the game.

But we who are not what I consider to be "followers the political flock" are so outnumbered. I wish more would see the light and fight for real change. Change of the totally screwed up political party system that will NEVER bring us into the "freedom" we so blindly claim as citizens of the (not so) United States of America.

So while my dear friends and family support their cause and candidate, I am left with choosing the lesser of the two evils. I'm not even sure which one that is yet.

I honor those who fought and died for ME to have the right to vote but often all of our votes are wasted.

I am tired of being lied to. I am long tired of voting for people who promised things they really had no intention to deliver on.

I am tired of this "Presidential Idol" contest every four years.

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