Saturday, December 01, 2012

Reasons why I hate the phrase "Breaking News"

A popular line used in the media and social networks frequently rears its ugly head and today (December 1st) is one of those days for me.

Reasons why the use of the phrase "breaking news" annoys the crap out of me. (1) that #****%#! Nancy Grace says it all the time so you know it's an ignorant thing to say.

Read this blog long enough and you'll know why I have no love for that wan.

And (b) THE NEWS MEDIA!!! Along with some news reporter wannabes on Facebook some how think it's special to use that insipid phrase whenever something happens. But often they have broken no news that the rest of us with a pulse didnt already know or witness our damn selves!

Like tonight when most people breathing in the South just finished watching or listening to the Alabama and Georgia college football game. Alabama won the game. Now three news outlets and individuals have posted the results starting off with "breaking" or "breaking news" like we didn't know already!

What needs to break is your keyboards so you wouldn't use that "breaking news" phrase. TED BAXTER would have told us this "news" faster than you could post about what we just watched and he's been dead for decades.

Do us all a favor and retire that "Breaking News" phrase!