Monday, February 28, 2011

No harm or insult intended. Only expressing opinion.

I haven't blogged as much as I would like. I really would like to do it as often as possible and grow this into a regular and enjoyable read for anyone willing. I thank each and every one of you who took the time to read any of my blog posts over the years in this format and in its previous format.

A few times my blog posts have turned people away on a personal level. Perhaps its from something I said and later posted links to my personal Facebook page. I would notice a decrease in the number of facebook friends. And this happened recently after posting my rant comparing politics to cancer. One of the people I noticed to have unfriended me on Facebook was a very interesting person who has mutual friendships with people I have known personally for many years although we have only met in person once. We never communicated much but I feel the timing between his removing me from his friends list and my posting of the blog may be over the extreme nature of my blog expression.

If that person or a close friend of his should happen to read this I must express that what I post on my blog is never intended to directly insult anyone. If it is then I clearly identify the target of my scorn. It is never intended for personal attack of any friend or acquaintence or relations of those people. I am expressing an opinion and we aren't likely to agree on everything but I do appreciate conversation. If I should say something you consider to be out of line please feel free to share that with me. Lets give each other the chance to make conversation out of it and come to an understanding.

I used to joke about some people going to prison and the possibility of a person being raped in prison. One such example was when the singer George Michael was sent to prison for a crime he committed and I said something about his being gay and may enjoy having a boyfriend that was also his cellmate. When I jokingly posted comments regarding that one person responded that she felt that rape jokes were never funny, ever. This happened more than once where I made a rather immature joke and the same person expressed her dislike in the joke. Then upon further observation of her postings I realized that the subject of assault and abuse appeared to be personal.

Out of respect for privacy I didn't dare ask so I assume that my postings triggered a reaction based on circumstances within that person's life or from that person's field of work. Neither of which I knew for sure nor was any of my business. But it got me thinking about how with some subjects it can really hit an individual hard on a personal level that I could never understand for not having any experience of my own on the matter. So with that along with the seriousness of that topic I no longer intentionally make jokes about prison inmates and sexual assault. I think twice about the time and place out of respect to those I know who may read it. And while thinking twice the result often is that the expression just isn't worth it.

My recent post where I suggested that politics is akin to having cancer could have triggered a negative reaction for people who have dealt with cancer in their family or personally. I believe this may be the case with the recent post and the person who unfriended me. But with no communication between me and that person this will never be confirmed. But in any case, I never meant to insult anyone. You just never know how simple topics and expressions could touch people.

For me, the subject of demensia hits close to home. My mother had it during her many years of illness. Only thing is for me dealing with it was very distant because of my living in another state and my sister was the one at home taking care of our mother. Still I don't consider demensia to be a laughing matter. Perhaps I should consider that some may have had to watch a loved one suffer so much with cancer as it is so terribly common and posting an angry blog as I did was poor judgement.

I can't take back what I posted. I stand by my opinion and you can see that if you read the details within. The regret from me is that it may have caused some to be offended for personal reasons unrelated to the subject matter. And to those especially the one who unfriended me on Facebook around the same time I posted my blog, I sincerely apologize for any offense I may have caused.

As I continue to blog I hope to find more creative ways to get my point across. I also may step on toes because I refuse to sugarcoat anything. And I hope the readers will look carefully within and between the lines.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tea******* AND their Haters!

I get so irritated when some words and name calling persists and one of the biggest public users of one word I totally despise did so again today with this post on his popular blog. What saddens me is that the blogger is a great source of news and information for the LGBT community but feels the necessity to act like a giggling brat with the frequent use of a word targeting a group of political wackos with a sexual innuendo.

This habit from the left started as a joke when the Tea Party mistakenly identified themselves using a word they didn't understand had a sexual innuendo attached. When the Tea Party discovered their mistake they stopped using the word. Those opposed to the Tea Party and the Right in general seized upon that word and gleefully use it to joke about in reference to the political groups they disagree with. It was funny for about 5 minutes. Now it is a nuisance that needs to go away.

Name calling and jokes are among the many reasons why this country will NOT progress in any way any time soon. Part of that political CULTISM that has infected the United States like a vicious disease. A cancer that has plagued our government with power hungry parasites on two sides of a political opinion pandering to a misinformed voter base all too eager to suck in their rhetoric like a hungry dog at feeding time.

I HATE the use of the word "Teabagger" and it makes it difficult for me to read JOE MY GOD's blog and others within the LGBT community. These are supposed to be my brothers and sisters in the struggle but when it comes to political opinion including using immature phrases to disparage people you don't agree with, I guess I am the black sheep of the LGBT family.

Read my previous post "People Who Aren't Smart Enough To Vote" as a reminder of how we got into this situation and why I feel things wont change anytime soon especially with the current habits of other bloggers and their followers.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Madison mad as hell and not taking it anymore: Is there a lesson here?

February 2011, Madison Wisconsin. Thousands have been protesting at the state capital over proposed changes that they disagee with. I am not going to discuss the issues at hand as they involve labor unions and with my mixed feelings about unions and admitted lack of clear knowledge of the situation just doesn't make it appropiate for me to talk further about that. But there are lessons about the protesting itself that we could all consider.

So many complain about the things that we feel are wrong in our lives but today's generations often fail to sacrifice and put action into expressing their feelings. Thousands of people in Madison Wisconsin disagree with the Governor and are doing more than most of us would do in today's society. They didn't just join a social networking group online and post their comments, they stepped away from their computers and carried their butts to the source of their disagreement. They brought it to their doorstep and demanded attention, even shut things down as many government officials there have stayed away. People are EXPRESSING their opinion in direct action, but thankfully in Madison we haven't heard of violent action. The streets of Wisconsin's state capital aren't burning, only the passions of people standing up for what they believe in.

As this is happening in the USA and more violent protest actions occurred in Egypt I hear that there is another proposal for a LGBT "March on Washington". I remember there were marches in the 1980's, 1993, 2000 and while the organizers of the 2009 gay march for equality don't consider it the same, it was a march on Washington just like the others. So the gay community likes to do this "march on Washington" thing every decade or so. And I think it is time for the (LGBT) Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender community to give up the marches on Washington DC and take the marching idea to the states, counties, cities and towns. It's time to protest from the ground up.

What the LGBT community needs to do is consider NEW ideas for marching and protesting our government. These marches need to occur at a time when the government officials are AT the capital or in their chambers and offices, not on weekends as the LGBT marches have always been. These should not be social events, they should be protest events. Protest events happen during BUSINESS hours.

The way all of the gay marches on Washington have appeared to be (for me) were media events, speeches to the choir, celebrity appearances,cocktail parties and "meetups" at the local clubs and bars. But the people needing to hear the message from the community are not in the building on Saturday and Sunday. IN Wisconsin the protests have been all week DURING the business hours and have disrupted "business" in the state capital.

I am being repetitive but stressing my point. I think EVERY STATE should experience what Wisconsin is currently experiencing today. People need to converge upon their state capitals and city halls when the government officials are in the building so they can hear and see you face to face. And we should not give up until they HEAR your voice and develop a suitable resolution. And of course people should EDUCATE themselves on the issues, their political representatives and candidates to replace those who aren't giving you what you want. Then the real protest action comes in the voting booth. But there we have another problem. Todays society hasn't handled that voting thing responsibly in decades either.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

America, we have TERMINAL Cancer!

One of the nastiest CANCERS in mankind is an untold one. Political cults known as Democrats and Republicans are like cancer cells eating away our soul and freedom day after day, year after year. Name the topic and it is not immune to the disease.

Want a cure for it? Abandon the risky behavior that causes it. Eradicate those political cults from office. Start with the Georgia capital which is full of bigots and infested by "christian" parasites who thrive in keeping the Peach State far behind in society.

Then work that cancer cure into Washington DC, from top to bottom we need to scrub the place clean of the generations of political sludge that is spackled along the walls and floors of our Nation's capital. A power wash is needed to remove our world of the poison. We need to sterilize this earth from the dominant germs of political partisanship.

Until this happens, The United States of America will never be "united" and its subjects will never truly be free.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Ronnie 100: What my grandmother taught me.

Sunday February 6, 1911 was the day 100 years ago that Ronald Reagan was born. He grew up to become an actor in Hollywood, Sacramento and Washington DC. My Grandmother Anna Rea Burton Pettis was born just over 10 years later in South Carolina. She grew up to become a mother of one but graces many others with motherly love and wisdom.

My grandmother has something in common with Ronald Reagan. They died on the same day in 2004. Both left a lasting legacy that had great impact on anyone they knew or served.

My grandmother's legacy included valuable words of wisdom and advice that make sense. One item she always told me was that if you didn't have anything good to say about someone that it was best to say nothing at all.

So here are my thoughts about the legacy of Ronald Wilson Reagan...................................................................................................................................................................
See grandma, I hear you and follow your advice. And it feels good.